Your Blog Posts

Tea and Cake anyone?

26 January 2010 09:25

The secret to thriving in a recession can be to tweak your offering as Tea and Cake have successfully done in Roath.

Sleet in Cardiff - time for an uplift

Enjoy a sensational clip from You Tube to brighten your day.

The power of sand

18 January 2010 14:37

The winner of 2009 Ukraine's Got Talent is amazing. Marvel at sand art.

Wear something red this Friday!

18 January 2010 13:57

Suporting our troops should be all the time not just once a year on Poppy Day.

Mid January Challenge

18 January 2010 12:59

January is a month where you need to challenge yourself otherwise the eyar can get off to a very slow start.

Let it snow, let it snow , let it snow...

Cardiff rarely has snow but it is great for a short while.

Supporting the Bluebirds is never dull...!

Cardiff City may be under-taking a very risky strategy or an inspired piece of business thinking...

To Tweet or not to Tweet?

14 December 2009 13:26

Tweeting - why bother when the earth is still flat.

Cardiff Eye - not heard of it?  Why not.

Is Cardiff missing out by not having an elevated platform?

Our cars - is it time to trim our running costs?

Autoterm have introduced an annual all in one cost that you can pay monthly and save hundreds on your car bills.

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