What Is A BARF Or RAW Food Diet For Dogs?
13th June 2016
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BARF is a complete and carefully balanced blend of raw meat, fruits, vegetables and bone.  It's a diet that mimics what nature has designed our pet's to thrive on in the wild.

The result is a pet free of allergies, digestive problems, and full of life!  If you're new to the concept of feeding your pets a raw food diet, you've no doubt got some questions on why this stuff works, how to get started, and what to expect once you've made the switch.  We get that!

BARF and Raw Food Benefits

One of the first things you will notice about dogs being fed a BARF diet is better quality of life!  Living Enzymes are proteins found in raw foods which help the body function.  So, if food is cooked or processed, it no longer contains living enzymes.  These Enzymes in a raw diet restore, repair, and maintain health.  Animals replenish their enzyme systems by eating raw unprocessed foods.  There are many benefits to a raw food diet for your pet.

Healthy Teeth & Breath

Your pet will have much-improved breath, slower tartar buildup, and beautifully clean and healthy teeth; all without having to visit the vet or  brushing the teeth.  In addition, periodontal disease that is so prevalent with pets fed grain-based diets is almost nonexistent.

Healthy Skin & Coat

One of the first changes your will notice from a BARF diet.  When persistent skin problems disappear or improve, then you no longer need vet visits, medicated washes, antibiotics, cortisone shots and cortisone tablets.  And it means the natural, healthy, and raw diet is supplying nutrients that other diets are missing.  It really is hard to ignore the deeply colored, lustrous, thick and healthy coat!

Optimum Immune System

The BARF diet normalizes and strengthens the immune system. Because the BARF contains a good balance of essential fatty acids and other immune normalizing and strengthening nutrients, it reduces inflammatory conditions and waves good-bye to infections.

Degenerative Disease

Pet owners that switch their older pets to a BARF diet usually find that whatever degenerative disease their pet has contracted becomes less of a problem.  A raw diet is not a wonder drug, but it has reversed many aggravating conditions.  Even arthritic conditions are improved and you can expect to see greater mobility in your pet.  This is part of the reason so many older pets have a new lease on life when switched to a BARF diet.

Stool Volume & Smell

Reduced stool volume and less smell is a sign of an improved and healthy digestion cycle.  Raw food is more readily absorbed than grain based diet in the digestive system and the result is less stool volume and smell.  Odorous stools are a result of improper or incomplete digestion of nutrients.

Healthy, Lean Body Mass

By feeding raw foods your pet will lose unwanted fat and gain muscle mass.  The diet helps to increases your pet's metabolic rate, its activity levels, and its healthy life span.  The effect will be more rapid if you combine BARF foods with some normal exercise.

What's stopping you?

If you feel you've tried everything, and your dog is still struggling with aggravating allergy problems... then talk to Creature Comforts about your Raw Food options.  They can advise on the foods to try option that many other pet owners used to stop their pet's allergies.  There is a natural, LASTING solution to your dog's chronic skin and coat problems as well as digestion issues.

If  you believe that the above may benefit you're pet you should pop into Creature Comforts on Joy Street and talk to their friendly and knowledgeable staff.


About the Author

Sarah E

Member since: 10th July 2012

I'm Sarah and I live just outside Barnstaple near Umberleigh.
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