New February, new you!
1st February 2011
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We all know that we could do more for ourselves to improves our overall health and general fitness. And this is the time of year when our new year's resolutions start to fade and we find justification in all things naughty that we've missed for the de-tox month of January!

For me though, I never made any resolutions for the new year and I'm ACTUALLY looking forward to my first fitness session tonight in the village hall! I've never really entertained circuits before but I know I will be able to do it at my own pace and frankly I don't give a stuff what I look like and people might think. When you're in your forties its amazing what a liberating effect it has on your outlook and after a decade of worry too much what people might think, you shed the anixety and look forward to new things to do every week.

So on Friday I'm taking to the squash court with my mate Kerry..........I'm sure the viewing gallery will be packed and we'll be huffing and puffing to a packed house.......NOT, but its amazing what you can do when you have a buddy who wants to do new stuff too!

If you feel even a tintsy wintsy bit fired up to do something new then do it.......don't hang around as really there is no time like the present. Go easy and have fun!

About the Author

Sarah E

Member since: 10th July 2012

I'm Sarah and I live just outside Barnstaple near Umberleigh.
I love sport especially rugby, cricket and golf and want to hear your thoughts on the site and add events and blogs on subjects that interest...

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