Your Blog Posts

Landlords - want to pay a lot less for your buildings insurance?

Landlords - what do you want from your tenants more than anything? Regular payments and no stress! Cheap hassle-free insurance makes it easier for your tenants to afford to pay their bills - and you get cheaper insurance - could save thousands!

How to combat the increasing price of fuel

How to combat the increasing price of fuel - make money while others burn fuel that's how

Fighting gum disease

11 January 2010 22:08

The importance of good oral hygiene and the rate at which plaque turns to tartar

Character over talent or talent over character?

Character over talent or talent over character? Companies are all too eager to associate themselves with "demi-gods" to sell their products - but what happens when a demi-god reduces himself to a mere mortal?

Sleep disorders – when going to bed is a nightmare

"The Independent" explores a range of sleep disorders, including amongst other things, bruxism. The article claims eight out of 100 people grind their teeth at night - see the article for more information

Knock Knock - Who's There

06 November 2009 21:24

How do you save money on your Gas and Electricity bills? The answer, according to Which? is easy - and there's no catch!

Which Accountant to choose?

15 September 2009 16:04

Which accountant is right for you?

Earn Money through Telemarketing

15 September 2009 14:31

Earn Money through telemarketing - help business generate sales.

How To Blog on thebestof

15 September 2009 12:06

A step-by-step guide to blogging on the best of

Trapped Girls Updated Facebook Status Instead of Calling For Help

Too much social media can be a bad thing - two trapped girls used Facebook rather than calling the emergency services