Abbey Shopping Centre in Abingdon - facelift to go ahead
9th December 2010
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It looks as if plans to turn the old 1960's Abbey Shopping Centre in Abingdon into a more loveable shopping area may actually be about to happen! Andrew Ffrench, writing in the Herald, reports that a deal is set to be signed in the New Year between the council and Scottish Widows for work to begin in spring and finish by the end of the year.

The proposals include:

* Improving the range of shop unit sizes by converting and combining some of the units into larger stores.

* Creating a new unit of 4,500 sq ft and another one of 2,000 sq ft, both with first-floor sales areas.

* Creating a more attractive street area by alternating roof heights and removing the canopies.

* Repaving and replacing street furniture, lighting and signage in the shopping centre.

* Providing new shopfronts.

We have been here before.... so fingers crossed. It would be such a huge boost to all Abingdon traders and hopefully help put Abingdon back on the map as a tourist and shopping centre to rival Witney once again! It probably won't incorporate a cattle market as in this 1940's picture of the back of the precinct area in Abingdon by Oswald Couldrey though....

Further details in the Herald.


About the Author

Helen I

Member since: 10th July 2012

I love Abingdon and am passionate about promoting the businesses and events that are centred there. I want everyone to realise how great they are and how we should all be using them!

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