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Health and Wellbeing News & Updates

Local Farnham resident, Jenny Williams, shares how a common belief can help us all deal with loneliness.
Man (laboratory) made food sweeteners Potential health risk
Almonds Health benefits Give it a go
Lemons Health benefits. Read on
Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder, which is defined recurrent moderate to severe headaches. They affect one in four women and one in twelve men in the UK. However, changes to diet can help.
Your chance to get back in touch with your body and sort out those health worries!
Sleep for Health & Wellbeing
Sleep for Health & Wellbeing
Sleep is an important part of life for growth and repair of muscles and mental recovery. However, it is widely accepted that the amount of time we spend asleep is reducing, with 40% of the UK population missing the NHS guidelines of 6-9hrs a night.
Nutritional Therapy and IBS
Nutritional Therapy and IBS
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) affects approximately 20% of the population at some time in their life and symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, gas and mucus in stool. Simple dietary changes can often be beneficial.
Lose weight...and keep it off
Lose weight...and keep it off
Change your attitude and be healthier for life!
It is evident that exercise is good for us, especially as we get older. Yet people still come to our clinic feeling that they are unable to exercise due to pain in relation to arthritis. However, physiotherapy treatment can help.
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