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Glorious Food News & Updates

Seasonal food for March
Seasonal food for March
It might be cold and wintry at the start of the month, but we are hoping for barbeque weather by the end.
What to feast on in February?
What to feast on in February?
There is lots of seasonal produce available locally throughout February.
Amazing weather for the bank holiday weekend prompted a record turnout for this years Lichfield Food Festival.
Every year the Lichfield Food Festival goes from strength to strength and 2017 is no exception with the organisers adding an extra day of fun to this fantastic FREE festival!
On 20th May I challenged myself to buy all my food from local independent shops and restaurants. I’m proud to be able to say that so far, 70 plus days in I’m still on track.
Festive Fun in Lichfield
Festive Fun in Lichfield
The festive season is upon us - here's what Christmas events are happening in Lichfield
Trying to find the best way to enjoy a Sunday Roast? Our list of recommended businesses should help…
It's the weekend before Christmas and there's still plenty going on in Lichfield.
If you're not yet in the Christmas Spirit, this weekend will certainly help. For those who love a great family Christmas pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk has started at the Lichfield Garrick. Christmas festivities are taking place at Samuel Johnson Museum and Erasmus Darwin House and you can purchase and sample some fantastic Christmas Food at Packington Moor.
Not only is this week the finale of The Great British Bake Off, but it’s also National Cake Week!
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