News & Updates
Home and Garden News & Updates

Win an amazing prize!
Win an amazing prize!
You can win an amazing prize by entering a testimonial during our 14 Days of Love campaign!
We are looking for budding bloggers! Do you want to spread the news about all things local? Maybe you want to show off your writing talents? Or perhaps you just want to share your worldly wisdom?! Look no further!
Monkton Elm in Taunton are offering bird and garden lovers free advice on what to feed there birds during winter
Gloucestershire County Council is set to launch the ‘Collective Energy Switch’ this week. We all know it can work out cheaper to buy in bulk, and this initiative is designed to help people work together to get cheaper gas and electricity. Consumers are more likely to achieve significant savings if a large number of people want to change energy supplier at the same time.
Cirencester In The Snow
Cirencester In The Snow
We have had some wonderful local snowy photos sent to us. Here is a selection of some of my favourites. Thank you to everyone who emailed them.
Greenfingered people in Taunton are from this Saturday January 19, 2013 onwards, are invited to trade in their old gardening tools at Monkton Elm Garden Centre and receive a £5 voucher to spend on a replacement.
£1 million comes to Stroud
£1 million comes to Stroud
Stroud district is set to receive more than £1 million as a reward for encouraging house building.
Here is a list of some featured properties available to let by local company Cox and Co
This Christmas we at LoCo Glass would like to give our customers the chance to purchase a very special gift, something unique, an experience that the recipient will look forward to, enjoy and remember for a long time.
Have a Vintage Christmas!
Have a Vintage Christmas!
Head to Cheltenham Racecourse for everything you need for a vintage Christmas!
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