News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Clean Air Day
Clean Air Day
Would you like to get involved in Clean Air Day on Thursday 20 June?
Bath in Bloom
Bath in Bloom
Will you be entering the Bath in Bloom Garden competition?
Repair Cafe
Repair Cafe
Repair Cafe Bath - here are the dates for April
Funding boost for Bathscape
Funding boost for Bathscape
Bathscape has been awarded £25,000 towards its Woodlands of Bathscape project.
5th March is Pancake Day,
5th March is Pancake Day,
Pancake Day falls on Tuesday 5th March 2019, also known as Shrove Tuesday, so it’s time to head for yourLocal High Street and buy ingredients ready for the big day!
 Bath IRON needs your help ...
Bath IRON needs your help ...
Would you like to be part of a painting party?
And the winner is...
And the winner is...
The winner of the Bath Business of the Year 2019 Awards
Electric Bike Hire is coming to Bath this summer
This event started life 19 years ago,with the aim of celebrating the impact of student volunteers and encouraging students to engage in civic life.Student Hubs and The National Union of Students – the NUS – are supporting Student Volunteering Week – SVW – to deliver the campaign.
Fairtrade Fortnight continues until the 10th March 2019, during two weeks each year thousands of individuals, companies and groups of people across the Country join together to celebrate and show support for the growers of much of our food. Food is often produced in the poorest Countries across the World and the people who grow it are often exploited and poorly paid,amongst the crops that are grown is chocolate from the cocoa bean, a luxury food taken for granted by for most of us.
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