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Motoring and Biking News & Updates

Crompton Way Motors is a car dealership with integrity, one which believes in quality used cars and getting a good deal for the buyer. These values have endeared them to the RAC, creating a solid partnership between the two businesses.
Car mileage allowance can be confusing territory. Which is why we have Ken Nash from Wilds Chartered Accountants, Bolton, to explain it all for you.
We all love our cars don't we? Oh yes we do... and this would be a good time to remind you that it's only 5 days until Valentines Day on the 14th February - whilst I'm not suggesting you buy your nearest and dearest a new car (though if you want to I can help you with that!!...) it also means there are only 19 days to go before the Special Offer of 'SD-Card Sat Nav - Free of Charge' in the fantastic New A3 Sportback is due to expire, so please get in touch if you are looking to put an order in place for this New Model that has already been awarded 'WHAT CAR?' Car of the Year for 2013.
After a long hard Winter (which looks to be continuing with the recent snow that's hit the country), your car may not be in the best shape it has ever been. This could cause a problem, especially when it is MOT time. Whitecroft Garage can help.
Winter roads can be rather scary to say the least, especially if you are a new inexperienced or nervy driver but there are things that you can do to help yourself.
Time to get the shovels out and the gloves on - more snow is heading our way so make sure you're prepared with our fantastic winter warmer offers!
Christmas and New Year is a magical time of year. But that doesn't mean things don't and won't go wrong. Hopefully, you'll manage to avoid any major disasters. But, just incase, here is a useful list of numbers that you might need this festive season.
Gender Equalisation Day
Gender Equalisation Day
In just a few days time, GE (or Gender Equalisation) Day will be taking place throughout the UK. For some, this will bring a long overdue change which sets equal Insurance premiums for both males and females; for others, it will be a nightmare for yearly financial budgets.
With all the warnings about drink-driving over the festive period, there really is no excuse to do so. Organising a taxi to pick you up or drop you off doesn't need to create a problem, especially with the excellent service provided by Rapid Private Hire of Bolton.
Dirty car? Get to Big Benz this weekend and get it washed for FREE!
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