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Health and Wellbeing News & Updates

When we issued our January 2015 Newsletter we mentioned that the Construction Design and Management Regulations were changing this year provided that the HSE could publish their draft legal guidance L153 this month. We were not convinced that they would manage it in time but they issued it on the 9th January 2015. This may affect many of you in some way if you have received this communication.
Roller Skating is so much fun but did you know it has fantastic health benefits too. Nevada Roller Rink in Bolton explain how you can build in this fun activity into your 2015 exercise plan.
The festive season is upon us with lots of times to indulge in food, drink and more with calories lurking round every corner but more and more of us are wanting to try and curb this indulgence while still having a good time, here Kerala Ayurveda help explain
Waterside Dental Care are the Winners of the 2014 Dentistry Awards for Overall Patient Care.
So Christmas is behind us and i'm sure a great time was had by all but as we enter January, its time to think about being less indulgent and this is where 'Dry January' comes in. Can you stay off the booze for 31 Days?
Visiting the dentist is never really high on anyone's priority list of things to do but we all know its one of those things we need but what if you dont have a dentist. How do you select one that you know you can trust? True Dentistry in Bolton offer their advice.
The cold weather's arrived, and it’s nearly time for Christmas, but Sykes Chemist are still here for all your healthcare needs. Have a look at their December offers!
If you suffer from arthritis you’ll probably dread the coming of winter and the cold weather that arrives with it. Physiofusion have given us some facts and information on how the cold, wet weather can affect us. Read more to find out some advice and how they can help.
Every year, World Diabetes Day takes place on 14th November and between 2014 and 2016, the theme will be ‘Healthy Living and Diabetes’
A fantastic job opportunity has just come available at Sykes Chemist, if you’re looking for a job working with a great team this is for you!
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