News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Find out what events and activities are happening this weekend in Cambridge and surrounding villages
Between now and 2020, every household in England, Scotland and Wales will be entitled to a free smart meter and meter display in the national smart meter rollout.
Do you run out of toothpaste and keep forgetting to buy a new one so have to squeeze the last dregs out of the tube by rolling it up? Or, do you run out of your favourite coffee and then have to end up drinking something else?
Please find attached our latest Newsletter and an separate explanation of Spice Credits which SNTB offers earning opportunities for helping others.
Our entry deadline, the 9th of September is fast approaching and we would like to support as many local businesses as possible.
Our next get together will be on 3rd September - with theme of 'Pamper yourself' (Head and neck Massage and/or Reflexology)
Pokemon Go or Go Away?
Pokemon Go or Go Away?
It’s a usual site these days to see the younger generation (how old do I sound!) walking along the street with their heads down looking at a phone whilst they are walking along.
Sue Papworth is the owner of TOAD's School of Driving and has a wealth of experience in teaching people to learn to drive a car or tow a trailer. So just who is this person that you trust to be alone with your child for an hour or two each week?
You can look forward to music, community events and family fun in Cambridge this weekend.
Here is Timebanks' latest Newsletter which includes details of TimeBanking along with our events:
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