News & Updates
Community News & Updates

If you are in a local band, love to dance, recite poetry, act or perform in any way and are interested in showing off your talent....
Watford Museum is partnering with local charity People Not Borders and a local artist to commemorate 20 years of Refugee Week.
A day of free live performances at the Big Bandstand in Cassiobury Park to celebrate Make Music Day UK this Thursday (21 June).
The new Chairman of Watford Borough Council has been named as Cllr Rabi Martins who represents the Central ward of the town and is also its Mental Health Champion.
To celebrate its arrival, the bank is inviting local residents and businesses to a two-day long party on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 May.
Community minded? Want to give something back to the community whilst having fun? Would you like to make new like minded friends? Would you like to make a difference?
Watford's Spring Clean
Watford's Spring Clean
The Great British Spring Clean, which runs from Friday 2 to Sunday 4 March led by Keep Britain Tidy
As a Fairtrade town, Watford will be joining hundreds of other ...
Are you a natural people person? Getting Together hosts weekly neighbourhood-based clubs in Watford and Three Rivers and we're looking for...
When you shop, donate or volunteer in one of Home-Start shops you'll be helping them help to provide practical support to local families and children..
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