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Taking the hassle out of making a Road Traffic Accident Claim | Personal Injury Claims Telford

Making a claim for personal injury following a straight forward road traffic accident can now be a relatively simple and quick procedure.

Beware of the dog!!!

26 October 2011 15:47

Over 200,000 people are attacked by dogs in the UK each year. The injuries are often not only physical but also psychological and can be caused by the most innocuous of breeds.

£100 Bonus Payment!!!!

04 October 2011 15:46

Have you had an accident resulting in injury in the last 3 years which was not your fault? If so, have you considered making a personal injury claim?

Scarred for Life

20 September 2011 15:24

The assessment of compensation for accidents which have resulted in scarring is a complicated task.

It wasn't your fault - Take Action !!!

The benefits of making a personal injury claim are many.

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