Ignore those training myths!
20th October 2009
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Solihulls' Health Fitness & nutrition Guru Karl Bickley of fitnesstrain.me says

Small things make a big difference

So we all know what we do wrong, and often know what we should do right when it comes to food, nutrition and achieving a work life balance. Do we do it?... of course we don't! As individuals we often buckle to work pressure's and stress and bow to the convenience of a coffee for breakfast, a quick working lunch, then starve ourselves until late in the evening when we eat (and drink) enough calories to last us the week... this leads to a late night, disturbed sleep, bloated feeling in the morning, lethargy and a LONG week at work!

Last week I spoke at "the best of Solihull" business networking event at Hogarths Hotel advising Solihull business people about simple changes to our structure that can make all the difference in how we perform in life and work. It really isn't that hard. Try the following tips to give yourself a fighting change!

  • Take time for breakfast and make it well rounded
  • Cut back the tea and coffee and switch to water or fresh juice
  • Give yourself a break at lunchtime - Take a walk and sit down to eat a balanced lunch
  • Snack in between your meals on some fruit, cereal, granola
  • Load your desk or office with healthy snacks
  • Cut out late night eating and especially try to reduce Carbohydrate intake (potato's, rice, bread, pasta) after 7pm
  • Drink 2-3 litres of useable fluid each day.

A client of mine has followed these very simple steps over the last month and lost 4" off his waist and almost 2 stone! Find out how you can do the same fitnesstrain.me and see our Special Offer available exclusivley to thebestofSolihull members

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