Fostering in Shrewsbury

Find the best Fostering Organisations in Shrewsbury as recommended by local Shrewsbury people in thebestof Shrewsbury's Fostering directory.
Fostering in Shrewsbury
Shropshire Fostering
Shropshire Fostering, part of Shropshire Council, offers rewarding foster care opportunities for local children. With excellent training, competitive allowances, and ongoing support, fostering with Shropshire ensures you make a real difference in your community. Join a not-for-profit service dedicated to changing lives through love, stability, and care.
Ina R said
I started fostering our son with an IFA but he was placed by Shropshire LA. After 3 years the IFA decided to give notice on our son and as we did not want to lose him we asked Shropshire whether we could move over to them.
They bent over backwards to help us join their team and could not have been more helpful in enabling our move.
We have now been with Shropshire for almost a year and feel lucky to work with two amazing social workers, our son's and our own.
We are well supported and our son is thriving, which after all is what we all want for him.
They have been understanding and very approachable and given our son the permanency he so desperately wanted and needed.
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I started fostering our son with an IFA but he was placed by Shropshire LA. After 3 years the IFA decided to give notice on our son and as we …
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