Pointy Toes Dancing Near Market Harborough
4th October 2008
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My little girl has just finished one of her pointy toes classes (ballet to the older ones of you) at Smeeton Westerby near Market Harborough.

She is just over two and a half but loves her dancing. This morning she was in a group leanrning some new ballet and dance warm up exercises. As the ballet teacher was going through the moves and expalining to the rest of the group my little girl stood very still. Even when they went through the dance moves to music she still stood still. I thought she must be too young to grasp what they were doing but my little girl is cleverer than that. On the third time they went through the dance moves she joined in and was as accomplished as most of the others.

You see when te ballet teacher was explaining to the group and going through the dance moves my little girl was stepping back to see how to do it.

We as adults have heard the phrase about stepping back from situations so we get abetter idea of what is really going on but we find it hard to do.

Sometimes our children are better teachers than we give them credit for if you really want to know how to live each day to the full just look at a child under five and see how...

See a further posting on myspace

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