This is a reply we received from 10 Downing Street at Thebestof Market Harborough today via email. We were among thousands of people who signed a petition put to the government by FSB (Federation of Small Businesses). The purpose was to secure a rescue package for small shops in the UK after the collapse of the financial markets.
We don't just talk about helping local businesses we take action wherever we can!
The petition:
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to secure the future of small shops across the UK and safeguard the choice and competition that people expect in the market place."
Details of Petition:
"The House of Commons All-Party Small Shops Group estimates that there will be no independent retailers by 2015. This equates to the loss of 50,000 small businesses. Small shops are struggling to survive because of local, regional and national government policies, together with the failure of the competition authorities to deal with the aggressive policies of supermarkets. The loss of the UK's independent retailers has far reaching socio-economic and environmental implications for the whole community. Superstores and small independent shops should not be considered as two separate markets. An independent regulator should be created to ensure that local retail planning decisions do not have a negative effect on the interests of the local community. Unfair pricing advantages, such as below cost selling, should be prohibited. We believe that these measures would help to secure the future of small shops across the UK and safeguard the choice and competition that people expect in the market place."
"You signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to "Secure the future of small shops across the UK and safeguard the choice and competition that people expect in the market place."
The Prime Minister's Office has responded to that petition and you can view it here:
Prime Minister's Office
Petition information -
If you would like to opt out of receiving further mail on this or any other petitions you signed, please email"
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