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Love it or hate it, Twitter is a powerful tool for connecting you and your business to a wider audience.
Car Boot Sales are still growing in popularity and there's one coming soon near you!
The results of the Local & Loved Awards 2015 Are Now In!
When someone tries to sell you something or gets you to sign up for something in your home, someone else’s home or your place of work, they may be a genuine salesperson, but sometimes it’s a scam. This is known as doorstep crime.
Do you love our local businesses? Depressed about the prospect of another big supermarket in the area? Then join in with our 'Buy Local' campaign!
May is Scam Awareness Month and we have the scam spotting quiz for you to take.
Exciting Good Friday Celebration to Mark the Re-opening of Market Harborough’s Revamped Indoor Market
Over 200 coffees are being prepared, 20 varieties of homemade cake baked and 30 cows milked each week as a local couple sets out to ensure their new Harborough Innovation Centre based business is everyone’s cup of tea.
Bestof launch Local & Loved Business Awards 2014 in Market Harborough
Over 40 businesses call it home, seven new businesses have been attracted to the area and 45 jobs created at Harborough Innovation Centre in 2013, a year which also saw companies based in the Centre expanding their expertise and launching 12 additional businesses.
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