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Business News & Updates

However, you also probably know that getting good editorial coverage (that’s PR speak for an article or mention in a publication) is marketing gold dust. This is why PR companies can, quite rightly, charge a lot of money for what they do.
Show me the real ‘you’
Show me the real ‘you’
This week I had the honour of being one of the keynote speakers at the launch of Network She magazine.
Finding it difficult to keep your emails in your inbox under control? Here are eleven of the best productivity tips for managing your emails to achieve inbox zero.
This week I had the honour of being one of the keynote speakers at the launch of Network She magazine. It was a great event, held at the Womens Business Centre at Newham College, and was a lot of fun...
I have just freaked myself out a little bit with the violence of my reaction to last night’s episode of The Apprentice. I’d never watched it before, but we had houseguests that wanted to watch the show, so we did.
Kripen Dhrona of The Enterprise Hotel give us his social networking marketing tips from his own personal perspective.
Phenomenal Women Event
Phenomenal Women Event
My friend, Felicity Lerouge, has created the Phenomenal Women Event, a seminar that enables women to reach their full potential, in their personal life, relationships and businesses AND stay aligned with their feminine strengths at the same time.
Are you a control freak? In marketing, being a control freak is good in some ways (you want to get the details right), but very destructive in others, as it can stop you from promoting yourself effectively – or even at all.
About 80% of small business owners use an email signature but only 5% of those people will use it as a marketing tool. Just think of the additional reach that you could get by making it really work for you.
Thebestof Kensington and Chelsea is hosting it's next networking event on the 12th October at Apartment 195, Kings Road, Chelsea and showcasing Cherry Crimp Lingerie and Enthuse Marketing. Book now before tickets are sold out.
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