We have some great new business members who have recently joined The Best of Guernsey, all of which offer an established and excellent service to our island community.
For speedy and first class computer repairs (he'll even come and visit you at home and fix your ailing pc or laptop) take a look at Sahara CI.
Quay Gallery is a well-known local art gallery and picture framing business but they offer lots more besides, including wedding lists, beautiful glassware and affordable art - see their features on The Best of Guernsey or visit their website for more information. www.quaygallery.net
Purple Coffee Interactive is run by Simon and Gareth and promises to deliver exceptional web design and marketing services for any Guernsey business who needs a cost-effective and fresh approach to promoting their business.
Most Guernsey people have used Bonboniera at some point - whether it's a few one-off balloons for a children's party or their fabulous bespoke displays themed for any event - their artistry and skill are second to none. Have a look at their online booking system and take advantage of their amazing delivery system.
Babbé Conveyancing has one of the strongest property departments in Guernsey and offer their clients a complete and responsive service with a dedicated conveyancing team, completing hundreds of conveyances every year across a wide range of domestic and commercial properties.
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