If it's time to ditch those never-to-watch-again DVDs, drag out those old nick nacks from their dusty hidey holes and trek to your nearest car boot sale to turn those no-longer treasured treasures into fresh cash or just purchase a bargain……
…..look out for some of the old regular car boot sale slots –
Most Saturdays:
LA MARE DE CARTERET SCHOOL - from 7.30am - 11am (the early bird catches the worm!). No booking required. Tel 236104 for more info.
THE RUGBY CLUB FOOTES LANE - from 9am - noon. Tel 07781 119795 or (01481) 723646 for more info.
SPECSAVERS CAR PARK - Every first Sunday of the month - from 2 - 4pm. No booking required. Cost £5.00 with all proceeds going to The Guernsey Women’s Refuge.
ALLIANCE CAR PARK - from 10.30am - 1.30pm. Not every Sunday. No booking required. Cost £5.00 per car in aid of local charities. Sellers welcome from 10am.
Saturday and Sunday usually see a number of car boot and table top sales dotted around the island - so best to check Thursday's Guernsey Press for up to date details.
Tips for a Successful Car Boot Seller Experience:
Happy selling and bargain hunting.
I'm Nicole Bromley, Client Relations Manager & Social Media Consultant for thebestof Guernsey & thebest of Jersey.
I live in Guernsey and have experience in client relations, business development, marketing,...
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