Local charity and community support group Guernsey Sands (Stillbirth And Neonatal Death Support), who offer help to bereaved local parents and relatives affected by baby mortality, are restoring the baby memorial garden at Le Foulon Cemetary.
The previous memorial garden was cleared in 2013 in preparation for this forthcoming makeover. The charity hopes that the renewed area will provide a tranquil place where bereaved families can sit peacefully and remember their babies all year round.
Rob Jones, Project Leader for the charity, said: "We have been working very closely with the Grounds Manager at Le Foulon Cemetery to plan the new look for the memorial garden and are thrilled to publicly announce the project."
Focal point for this project will be a new memorial that will hold dedication plaques in memory of babies who have died during late pregnancy, at birth or shortly afterwards. Guernsey Sands intends to fund the dedication of these plaques.
Rob Jones continues: "We would like to appeal to anyone who has an existing plaque in the garden to contact us to discuss the new memorials and also for anyone to contact us who may be interested in dedicating a plaque on the new monument."
To raise funds to contribute to this project Rob Jones took part in a sponsored tandem skydive on Sunday 30th August 2015. Donations to support Rob can be made online through Just Giving at www.justgiving.com/RobJonesGuernseySands
To contact Guernsey Sands regarding the dedication of a plaque please email them at guernseysands@gmail.com
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