How can I cope with loneliness at Christmas?
16th October 2013
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As the Christmas festivities draw closer and the excitement builds, many of us are planning how we would like to spend time with family and friends. Sadly though, this can be the most difficult time of the year for some of us, especially if you are on your own. Cheery songs, festive parties, gifts and good wishes can sometimes intensify the anguish of loneliness, emptiness and sadness. 


Four years ago on a Saturday evening, Jenny Williams was cooking in her Farnham kitchen and felt terribly alone. Living on her own meant she had no one to share her evening meal or even discuss her thoughts with. She looked up and it was 6.30pm. The following day she met with friends at her Sunday Luncheon Club and discussed how she felt that previous evening - the 6.30 Club was launched.


Jenny refers to the 6.30 Club as “a mindset for like-minded people thinking together around the world. When preparing our evening meal and eating alone we think of each other, so we no longer feel alone. It works because we pass this information on to others who are alone, and they pass it on to family and friends, and so it goes on, helping more and more people. As our thoughts go out to others who live alone, we know that someone out there is thinking of us. We belong to something very special, and it makes us smile!”


Thanks to BBC Radio 2, within 3 months the 6.30 Club had interest from over a million people and went worldwide. The club's message has been highlighted by DJ Chris Evans and Jenny has even been interviewed live on air by Zoe Ball.

Jenny can often be found handing out a card with the club's thoughtful logo of the sky and clouds, signifying that it doesn't matter where you are you, everyone can look up at the sky, think about each other and belong to something very special.


The 6.30 Club meets locally every Saturday afternoon from 2.30pm at the Indigo Community Cafe in Lower Bourne, Farnham. Anyone can call in for a chat, you will meet friendly faces of all ages and are guaranteed lots of laughs! Jenny also organises a 6.30 supper club, once a month at the Fox Pub, Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey. You can contact her through the 6.30 facebook page to find out more or visit


It doesn't matter what time of day it is, who you are, how old you are or what country you live in, a sense of loneliness can be lessened by a common belief. So pass the word on, it's a big network and it's free to join! 

The 6.30 Club 
Likeminded people thinking together around the world
About the Author

Sarah D

Member since: 2nd July 2012

My name is Sarah and I have been working with thebestof Farnham for the past 5 years, helping to promote businesses in and around Farnham. If you would like me to write an article about your Farnham business...

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