Wheat bag safety
18th February 2014
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The bag is believed to have burst into flames after potentially being overheated and then left in the bed. Wheat bags are popular heating pads, designed to be applied directly to the body to assist in the easing of aches and pains. They usually contain buckwheat or wheatgrass which are warmed in a microwave.

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service remind you that it is vital to follow manufacturers' instructions to avoid possible injury and this will include the maximum heating times. It is vital that you follow these. We would recommend keeping any packaging and instructions stored for reference.


•  buy wheat bags with clear heating instructions from the manufacturer and always follow them

•  only use as a heat pack for direct application to the body

•  ensure your microwave turntable is working properly

•  watch for signs of overuse such as burning or charring

•  leave bags to cool in a safe area and on a non-combustible surface.


•  use a wheat bag as a bed warmer

•  overheat the bag

•  reheat the bag until it has completely cooled – this can take up to two hours

•  leave the microwave unattended when heating

•  store the bag away until it has completely cooled

•  use the bag if you see evidence of damage or wear.

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Dave B

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi, I am Dave, I run thebestof Exeter along with my colleagues. If you want to promote your business or event, get in touch with us on 01392 349 130.

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