Service offers free home fire safety checks
20th July 2016
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People may also arrange visits for neighbours or relatives they care for on their behalf with their permission.


Area Manager Neil Blackburn, of Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, said: “No one should be worried about calling us for help or on behalf of a person they know or care for.

“We can arrange to visit people’s homes to give advice that will help make them safer, including the fitting of smoke alarms free of charge. But if we don’t know where they are or their circumstances, we can’t help them.

“That’s why we’re asking for the public’s help. If you’re worried about a family member, friend or neighbour, ask if you can call us on their behalf and we will be pleased to help.”

When one or more social factors such as living alone , poor mobility, drinking alcohol or smoking are combined, the person is considered to be at a higher risk of experiencing a serious fire.

Area Manager Neil Blackburn added: “We’re encouraging people to keep an eye out for their neighbours. If you hear a smoke alarm sounding, don’t ignore it, check from the outside for signs of fire and try to alert the occupier. If you’re concerned about their welfare, call 999.”

To request free home safety advice, call Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service free on 0800 05 02 999.

About the Author

Colin S

Member since: 27th February 2014

Hi, I am Colin Slade, I am the New Business Manager here at thebestof Exeter and I handle lots of the PR and News stories for our clients

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