Litter pick at Palmerston Park, Tiverton
28th February 2018
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Last Saturday volunteers did an amazing job of litter picking at Palmerton Park and surrounding areas. The volunteers, who loaned the litter picking sticks and were provided with black sacks by Mid Devon District Council, helped clean up the local area by collecting not only small pieces of litter but large pieces of wood, plastic and metal.

Litter is a blight on our environment, a threat to wildlife and an eyesore for residents and visitors to our district. The volunteer litter pickers selflessly dedicate time to clearing litter and debris from verges, footpaths and low speed roads. The volunteers were also able to list fly tipped items such as a TV and a mattress which they reported for collection.

We hope that the thoughtless individuals that drop litter and fly tip will see all the hard work provided by the volunteers and think twice before doing it again. Littering and fly tipping is an offence. Residents are the eyes and ears of the district and if you have witnessed someone dropping litter or fly tipping we want to hear from you.

Mid Devon District Council will do all it can to support groups and individuals who undertake litter picks. For more information please visit our web pages;

About the Author

Colin S

Member since: 27th February 2014

Hi, I am Colin Slade, I am the New Business Manager here at thebestof Exeter and I handle lots of the PR and News stories for our clients

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