July's Horoscopes by @saradelphi
5th July 2012
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MDA Horoscopes July 2012

The Month Ahead 

Aries March 21st- April 20th

With Uranus going retrograde in your sign on the 15th life will settle down and you’ll be able to relax. Any upheavals you may have had over the past few months will seem a thing of the past. The changes that have occurred will become clearer and if you trust in fate and destiny you’ll realize that everything happens for a reason. This month make plans to put some time in your busy schedule for relaxation to recharge your energy levels.   

Taurus April 21st- May 21st

Financial matters may come to a head and you can no longer bury your head in the sand Taurus. Look carefully at what needs changing and plan a budget so you are clear where you stand. This will not only prove to be good therapy for you but ease any stress you are feeling.  Someone may call upon you for help and you’ll be good at sorting out a crisis for them, remember helping others is to help ourselves. Relax and enjoy family time this is the area of your life which is most settled.

Gemini May 22nd- June 22nd

With Jupiter now firmly in place you can really look forward to the future with hope and optimism. It’s time to expand those horizons and look to do something completely new and different. There is a lovely conjunction between Jupiter and Venus in your sign, this is very lucky for your financial outlook; if you feel like taking a gamble it could prove to be fortunate. Special romantic encounters will set your heart racing so get yourself out and about this month Gemini.

Cancer June 23rd- July 23rd

The Sun travelling through your sign until the 23rd will recharge your batteries and energy levels, it will also bring you confidence and you’ll be feeling on top of the world. The New Moon on the 19th in Cancer starts a new era and beginning, search out something exciting to do. With the Moon and Venus at odds with each other don’t’ rock the boat romantically; leave things as they are until this phase passes.  Keep the status quo Cancer. 

Leo July 24th- August 23rd

With Mercury the planet of travel, the mind and communication going retrograde on the 15th there could be missed messages and delays to  travel plans. Check every detail to avoid confusion and frustrations, if you need to cancel a journey you’ll be able to re-schedule it for a later date. The Sun your ruling planet moves in on the 23rd, this really will reaffirm your identity, strength and power. Look to the future Leo and make your plans - the bigger the better.

Virgo August 24th- Sept 23rd

You can take a breather Virgo as Mars leaves your sign on the 4th, this planet has been with you for a long time and can leave you feeling depleted of energy. It’s time to relax a little and spend time on leisure pursuits. You can give yourself a pat on the back as you have achieved so much over the past few months. Don’t make any major decisions over the coming weeks as a situation may turn out to be very different from what you thought, be cautious.

Libra Sept 24th- Oct 23rd

On the 4th Mars the planet of action, determination, courage and energy moves into your sign and stays for a few weeks. You won’t be able to sit still Libra and as the pace of life speeds up you’ll be ready to take on any challenges and succeed. Mars gives you all the determination you’ll need to forge ahead with your plans, don’t miss this opportunity by being too cautious, check everything out and if it feels right go ahead just know that success can be yours.

Scorpio Oct 24th - Nov 22nd

This is a lovely month for rest and relaxation, you need to take a step back and put some fun into your everyday routine. Your finances are set for a boost and you’ll feel happy and relaxed about your work situation as all should be going to plan. In this happy frame of mind you’ll be the life and soul of any gathering and everyone will want your company. Pace yourself this month so you don’t become tired and enjoy a lovely fun time

Sagittarius Nov 23rd - Dec 21st

The beginning and end of the month are not good times for you to be rushing around, this is due to the Moon travelling through your sign your energy levels may be in short supply. You are not a sign that likes to wait and if you feel your patience is being tested try not to get too frustrated; whatever you may wish for will come along at the right time. Work and your domestic life is settled and enjoy a time when you are not being asked to be all things to all people. 

Capricorn Dec 22nd - Jan 20th

The Full Moon falls in your sign on the 3rd depleting your energy levels and magnifying everything your feeling and thinking, try and take a break from your usual routine. If there needs to be some changes in your personal life you’ll need to think deeply about what direction you wish your life to go into the future. View a change in direction as good, try and treat it as a positive step to making your dreams and aspirations come true.

Aquarius Jan 21st- Feb 19th

Haven’t you done well Aquarius? You are on a roll at the moment so enjoy a time of being in the spotlight you are a bright shining star and can do no wrong. If life is really busy you’ll be able to keep up with the pace and remember you are heading in the right direction to achieve everything you wish for. Romance is very well highlighted and special people will enter your life, there’s something afoot romantically – enjoy. 

Pisces Feb 20th- March 20th

Time for reality to kick in, your feet are about to come down and land firmly on the ground. You need this as any upheaval that has occurred needs time to pass, which in turn will allow stability back into your life.  Don’t rush around chasing meaningless and trivial issues, use the next few weeks to give yourself a break and consolidate the positive in your life. Family issues may reach a point where something has to give, be clever and make sure you listen to those around you.

About Sara Delphi

Sara Delphi is in much in demand as a leading Clairvoyant and expert in the field of Tarot, Palmistry and Astrology.

As part of her broadcasting work, Sara is a regular Astrologist on BBC Radio 2 show ‘Steve Wright In The Afternoon’, served as weekly astrologist for Channel M TV in Manchester and hosted live phone ins for talkSPORT.  Sara was also resident Astrologer on BBC Radio Devon for nearly a year and writes a regular Horoscope column for local newspaper, the Mid Devon Advertiser

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Dave B

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