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Keep Business Local - Discount Scheme

Here at the bestof we have launched a real positive benefit to all of Evesham locals and our business members during the current recession.

On this website you will see Unique " Best Of" Special Offers, we are really trying to drive local shoppers to

Evesham and Parking

07 March 2009 17:56

Has any one ever done a cost versus income analysis of EveshamsTraffic Wardens ( Or is it Parking Attendants)

Are they covering costs, which must be significant- and if they are, at what damage to local shopping habits? I am a realist , and we cannot

Weelie Bins in Evesham

07 March 2009 17:41

Love em or hate em, it seems us Evesham town folk are stuck with em !

Whilst there are sound reasons for the change over- there are also vaild reasons for rejection.

My dear old mum at 85 has acquired her new bins, and she is lucky having front

Valentines Day Coming .

24 January 2009 18:00

I am not a romantic ( ask the wife !!)

However I know that many local shopkeepers are welcoming you romantics to their premises.

What about some flowers for 'er indoors from Snowdrops or Louise Jeynes.
A meal out at The Beckford Maybe ? or perha

You can still shop in Evesham !!

Though all we hear is doom and gloom we are well blessed in Evesham for some great independant shops.

In the current climate my message is if you want to help Evesham to thrive and the town to prosper you must use local shops when possible.

With s

Peugeot Service Dealer appointed

Great News for Evesham Peugeot owners !

Sad to see Bredon Motors close down, but every cloud has a silver lining!
Dave Loudoun has been appointed as official service agent for Peugeot, and has also taken on some well known and experienced staff from

Indian Summer ?

12 October 2008 15:10

What a lovely weekend.

Managed to get the garden organised and did some decoratiing too.

Whilst many were at B&Q we supported Paper & Paints with our DIY purchases this weekend, and also some autumn bedding from Abbey Rd Nurseries brightened up th

What a week last week was!!

12 October 2008 14:59

This last week has been busy !!!

Marie was away in Italy at a family do last weekend, and I played at cooking for me and the kids( welcome back Marie !)

Glad we all like Indian food as The Blue Lagoon was a welcome sight ! Their food just gets be

Eveshams newest Florist has TV connections.

Having recently met and got to know Emma from Snowdrops florist it was interesting to learn that she has provided flowers which have been featured on screen in BBC TV Dramas.

She has also helped in providing flowers for a stars wedding whilst living

We must keep Bengeworth Post Office

This cannot be allowed to Happen !We have only until 6th October to make a difference, and we all CAN make a difference, please read below.This weeks announcement that Bengewort Post Office in Northwick Road is to close must be challenged.This Post Office