Ges Ray - Speaking In Public

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A multimedia & interactive workshop to build your #speakperformance skills when delivering online / recording for social media etc, so aimed at those who are presenting online for business and recognise they need to up their performance.
Want to learn the fundamental tips of speaking in public – pick up a copy of Ges Ray’s new book or tune in on Audible
You’ve been there; you know the feeling....
You’ve been there; you know the feeling....
You are already for the big presentation – but there is one thing you must not forget - SMILE
Ges Ray explains how a glass of wine links to public speaking...
Ges Ray – Speaking in public has just been accepted as a professional member of the Professional Speaking Association.
Well what would you prefer – and if you say hiding in a corner you are not alone.
You stand up in public to speak – and then forget to breath!...
Having to speak in public can send shivers through the strongest person – so if you have a fear of public speaking, here’s someone who can help.
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