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Sandwich residents can express their views & ask about the impact of the Open Golf Championship 2011 which comes to Royal St George's golf club this July. DDC will be holding a neighbourhoold forum on this topic and here is their press release about it.
Deal is a fishing town it is our heritage - support our local fisherman join the Big Fish Fight and keep fishing alive in Deal!
Yet more to be proud of in East Kent!
You can't beat Deal for talent!
You can't beat Deal for talent!
Deal Photographer Harold Chapman talks about his work during the 50's and 60's at the famed Beat Hotel in Paris on BBC South East News
The Museum is open over the holidays with plenty of fun family activities.
Area office and waste collection details from DDC for the Christmas and New Year holidays
Urban myth or real-life scam? Check your receipts before leaving the check-out!
Your Voice Your Services - your chance to tell KCC how best they can save tax payers money.
The Fowlmead Country Park boot fairs seem to be very popular.
Does Deal need more homes?
Does Deal need more homes?
Local people in Sholden, and other parts of Deal, are protesting against plans to build new homes on green field sites.
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