Electric Cars in Corby!
23rd May 2013
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Electric Cars in Corby!

There are currently 5 charging points in Corby at the moment but this is going to be quadrupled in the hope they could help kick-start the town's electric car market.

There are concerns the points in Corby aren't being used but now they will be checked every day to make sure they are working.

You have to register for a card to use these charging points The people behind the project, which has European Union and central government backing, say the £250,000 investment is worthwhile.

So if you have an electric car and come into Corby you can get a fill up while you shop or do some work.

About the Author

Stuart P

Member since: 26th April 2010

Stuart has owned The Best of Corby since May 2011. He brings with him extensive marketing experience working most recently within the health care industry.

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