News & Updates
Business News & Updates

We have some great events lined up for 2014
Networking is a great way of meeting potential new clients, and a way of making new business connections in your local area. Here's what on offer in Bridgend.
Finding a good accountant can take some of the pressure of running a business off your shoulders. Have a read of our blog to see our recommended accountants in Bridgend.
Bridgend Business Breakfast in conjunction with thebestof Bridgend at Pantruthyn Farm Pencoed off J35 M4.
Taxpayers who have not filed there April 5th 2012 tax returns could a daily face penalty of £10 a day
A&R Cleaning took on the mammoth task of professionally cleaning the pitches at Futsal Cardiff. A&R Cleaning offer hard floor cleaning solutions throughout South Wales
Busy times are upon us at UGD, we have been working on various project for the private and public sector all wanting our experience and expertise to develop their publications to stand out in the crowd.
Video4Business will be working in conjunction with ‘Bridgend Business Breakfast’ to hold a V4B filming event at the Court Colman Manor on the 4th April 2012
Getting people to come along and volunteer, build up your confidence.
Flexible Working is it for you
Flexible Working is it for you
Are you interested in the idea of flexible working either employing flexible or being a flexible worker then read on
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