Flexible Working is it for you
21st December 2011
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Types of flexible working

There are various types of flexible working. Flexible working patterns can affect the number of hours employees work, the times they work and where they work. Which types best suit an employer will depend on the size and nature of the business and on its workforce.


Part-time working is useful for covering breaks in the normal working day, extending working hours or covering peak or busy times.

Term-time working

This enables employees to cut back on their hours or to take paid or unpaid leave during school holidays.

Job sharing

A version of part-time working, job sharing involves dividing the duties and hours of a full-time position between two (or sometimes more) people.


Flexi-time means that employees can decide when they start and finish work provided they work a number of core hours.

Compressed working weeks

The number of hours worked by an employee in a week are concentrated into fewer working days or longer blocks of working time. Although the total number of hours remains the same, by working early or late an employee can use the additional hours to take a morning, afternoon or whole day off work at some point during the week.

Staggered hours

Employees start and finish work at different times. Staff have the opportunity to re-arrange their work times while the employer can keep the business operational for longer.

Annual hours

The hours an employee works is calculated across a whole year, taking holidays and the number of contracted hours into account. Most of the hours are divided into a number of set shifts; the remaining hours can be used to work at short notice when, perhaps cover is needed to help with peaks in demand.

Zero-hours contracts

Workers agree to make themselves available for work when required but without setting a fixed number of hours or times.

Teleworking and homeworking

Employees work from home or from somewhere other than their employer’s office or premises.


Not all businesses are necessarily in a position to offer their employees flexible working. Those that are, however, could find there are a number of benefits. And, with the nature of work changing and with the technologies available to employers developing all the time, they could well be helping to shape the workplaces and offices of the future.

If you would like any further information contact

Criterion Accounting on 01656 871195


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Team Bridgend

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