News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Residents and businesses are being encouraged to have their say on new planning guidance that will set standards for developments, covering a range of issues from the number of parking spaces they should have to the types and sizes of homes that should be built.
If you are on a low income and live in a home without central heating, you could benefit from free funding support for a new system.
A total investment of £400,000 to the Aquadrome’s fitness and leisure facilities means that young swimmers now have somewhere new to paddle and fitness enthusiasts have an enhanced experience with new gym facilities.
Roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty and see how much difference you can make by having a go at conservation volunteering.
Golden and diamond wedding anniversary couples are invited to a very special afternoon tea with Basingstoke and Deane’s Mayor.
Recycle your real Christmas trees and help the borough bloom in 2018.
Warm-hearted pupils at Fairfields Primary School served up a sweet treat in a fundraising bid to support people sleeping on the borough’s streets this winter.
Little stars at Oakley Infant School’s nativity made a big difference to help the borough’s homeless people this Christmas.
The highly-anticipated Beggarwood Community Centre has been officially handed over to members of Hatch Warren and Beggarwood Community Association.
Christmas Bin Collection
Christmas Bin Collection
Find the revised bin collection schedule for Christmas and New Year for Basingstoke and Deane
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