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Record year for Lichfield and Tamworth auctioneers as hammer comes down on 2023
Record year for Lichfield and Tamworth auctioneers as hammer comes down on 2023
  • Posted by thebestof Lichfield | 21st December 2023 | ... Comments
As 2023 motors to a close, a Staffordshire family firm of auctioneers is celebrating a record year. View post
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Seasonal food for March
Seasonal food for March
It might be cold and wintry at the start of the month, but we are hoping for barbeque weather by the end.
Legendary British Entertainers Bobby Davro and Kenny Lynch OBE, swap their golf clubs for a unique night of entertainment.
Following the success of their sell out show last year, the Celtic folk/rock band return to Lichfield with ELO favourite Bev Bevan.
Leading comedian holds unique performance to support The Donna Louise Trust.
Fans of the Rat Pack and the music of the American Song Book are being offered a very British alternative at the Lichfield Garrick.
What to feast on in February?
What to feast on in February?
There is lots of seasonal produce available locally throughout February.
A brand new multimedia show celebrating the life and music of rock legend and Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan is rolling into Lichfield.
The life of Quentin Crisp is portrayed at the Lichfield Garrick in January.
We are kick starting 2018 with our bestof Business of the Year Awards and Lichfield businesses need your support.
This critically acclaimed show is coming to the Lichfield Garrick this January and you can win tickets with compliments of Maple Tree Entertainment.
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