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Sail the seas in 5 star luxury and pampering but this cruise has been put together by our Norwich travel agents with a massive 75% saving.
"Valentines Day is coming around - and once again, I won’t be taken out for dinner and I won’t receive a dozen red roses or even a box of chocolates." so says Linda Allen...
Your chance to enjoy a 4 day cruise on this brand new 5 star ship at unbelievably low prices. Ideal for a short break. Contact local Norwich cruise specialist, Anglia Global Cruising.
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Roses are Red, Violets are blue ….and what will your loved on do to youuuu……if you don’t get them a Valentines Day present?
Slimming classes are starting in Norwich and Attleborough using a pioneering technique to stop those cravings using a simple tapping therapy (no not dancing!)
How do you stick to your New Year's Resolutions? One of our clients has just the solution with a new range of iPhone Apps.
I don't - how can you have just one resolution when there's so much to do? If you need help, though, there's a new iPhone App to help you with your goals, Cassie can clear your clutter and Linda can Tap you Slim.
Making Houses out of mud.
Making Houses out of mud.
The BBC's Inside Out team this week try their hand at making houses out of mud in Norfolk - supposedly a cheap, green and easy traditional building method. Find out how they get on on Monday night 7.30pm.
Temporary accomodation, a home for the elderly - save care home costs and often no planning needed - or a bespoke home for those who have disability needs.
So, you have a brilliant business idea, that can help reduce waste and save people money - but how do you get the message across? What about a car boot sale?
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