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Business News & Updates

The Leicestershire Business Event 2015 (LBE15) is the perfect platform for you promote and grow your business.
Work Harder & Smarter
Work Harder & Smarter
Not enough hours in the day? Looking for ways to get the most out of your working day? Then read on
"We provide great customer service".... "Our product/service is of excellent quality"..."We have been established for over X Years"... "We always put our customers first"... I have some bad news... These are NOT Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) and guess what they are also not Unique Marketing Propositions (UMPs) neither.
In 2015 there seems to be many small businesses out there running their businesses as if we live in 1995.. or 1997.. or 1999.
If you are struggling to manage your time effectively, we have 5 top tips for better time management
Love it or hate it, Twitter is a powerful tool for connecting you and your business to a wider audience.
If you have a website, don't let Google affect your rankings.
Mortgage applications were up 30 per cent in the first quarter of Hinckley & Rugby Building Society’s new year. Applications totalled £29.4 million in the three months to the end of February 2015.
Hinckley & Rugby Building Society is marking its 150th anniversary in 2015 with a one year bond for existing customers that pays three per cent gross interest.
Who could have failed to notice that the remains of Richard III were reinterred over the weekend?
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