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Health and Beauty News & Updates

Will the privatisation of the NHS destroy our society?
Time to get the shovels out and the gloves on - more snow is heading our way so make sure you're prepared with our fantastic winter warmer offers!
Despite it only being the beginning of October, our Great British weather seems to think winter’s come early, and is already making us endure extremely chilly temperatures, gale force winds, and torrential rain. Not only does this bring on early bouts of the flu, but it does no good for our hair, which we’d hoped would maintain at least a little bit of its summer radiance through autumn!
Body Revive Manchester
Body Revive Manchester
Do you practice sports regularly and find yourself with aches and pains? Well Body Revive Manchester may just be able to answer your prayers. Huw Buckley, a qualified masseur, runs a mobile massage business based in Eccles, Salford, but also provides treatments to the rest of Greater Manchester and elsewhere.
Strong is The New Sexy
Strong is The New Sexy
Dispelling some of the myths surrounding women & strength/weight training and sowing the seeds of change by challenging how women have been led to believe that the weights section of the gym is a man's domain.
New Year - New You.
New Year - New You.
Guide to healthy eating for the new year.
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