Martin Lee Renshaw has performed at Watford Colosseum's #lobbylive twice in 2015; the Colosseum's Creative & Outreach Manager Kerry Lanigan spoke to him about his experiences.
Some of the biggest names in the music industry have performed at one of the most iconic venues in Watford, Hertfordshire. Now you can listen to live music from talented, local musicians for free this November.
If you a teenager of the 70's, then you will remember the Scottish pop band the Bay City Rollers with their trade mark calf-length tartan trousers and tartan scarves - they were also one of the most screamed at teeny bopper bands of the time.
Intu Watford (yes to some of us it is, and always will be the Harlequin Shopping Centre) has submitted a planning application for a £100 million development of Charter Place.
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