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Community News & Updates

Bike theft is big business for some people. Find out how to avoid the inconvenience and expense of losing your cycle.
The infamous 'bank courier scam' is around again and Sutton police are warning residents, particularly elderly ones, to be on their guard against bogus calls pretending to be their bank and asking for account details and PIN.
Over the past year crime has fallen in Sutton with 808 fewer offences being reported than in the previous 12 month period.
Do you have a love of reading and books that you could share with a child in a one to one situation developing self-esteem and self-worth? Why not help a child read today, prevent the from becoming another negative statistic and be rewarded in seeing them develop and grow?
If so, one has been found in Sutton Common Road and handed in to the Police.
An award winning heritage community project, Carshalton Lavender, is opening its gates at the Stanley Road allotments for the 15th Annual Harvest at its Open Weekend in July.
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