Car Booting in Sutton Coldfield
Car boot sales have never really lost their appeal but in recent years they have become
more popular than ever and that’s as true in Sutton Coldfield as anywhere.
They say watch the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves and with cut’s
here and increases there watching the pennies has rarely been more necessary.
So whether you are bargain hunting or clearing out the attic a local car boot is a great way
to do it and we have plenty of car boot sales going on here in Sutton Coldfield.
It has been a while since I last visited a car boot sale and that’s a shame because there
are so many good reasons to go. There are always interesting people to meet and a bit of
arabesque bizarre type haggling in the heart of Sutton Coldfield is great fun.
Plus, of course, the fact that everyone loves a bargain.
So I’m going to put that right by visiting some of the larger car boot sales in and around
Sutton Coldfield.
Four of the largest are at Bassetts Pole, The Belfry, Hams Hall and Lea Marston
The Bassetts Pole car boot is held on Saturdays and entry is 50p per car for buyers. If
you want to sell, the fee for a pitch is between £5 and £15 and you can start setting up
from 5am. The average number of sellers is around 300. For more information contact the
operator, James Taroni, on 07736 560 000. I’m thinking of starting with this one.
Next is the Belfry, near to the famous golf course and hotel of the same name, the site is
approximately 400 yards along the A4091 coming from the A446 roundabout. Established
in 1978 The Belfry car boot sale operates on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays
between 7am and 3pm. It has an average of around 500 sellers.
Then there is Hams Hall in Hams Lane which has been described as one of the best car
boots in the midlands. Again it is a Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday boot sale that is
open between 7am and 3pm.
Finally of the four I have chosen to check out over the coming weeks is the site at Lea
Marston. This boot sale opens at 6am for both sellers and buyers and runs on Sundays
and Bank Holiday Mondays.
The Belfry, Lea Marston and Hams Hall all have seller fees of £7 for cars and £14 for
vans. For more information contact Andrew Walsh on 07767 306502
Where to find the four car boot sales mentioned:
The Belfry: A4091, Wishaw, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B76 9PR
Bassetts Pole: New Park Farm, London Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B75 6JZ
Hams Hall: Hams Hall, Kingsbury Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B76 1AW
Lea Marston: Kingsbury Road, Lea Marston, Staffordshire B76 0BY
My name is John and I work at The Best of Sutton Coldfield. We are passionate about championing and raising awareness of the best of local businesses in Sutton Coldfield!
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