Polyspiral Website Design and Hosting

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Drive your sales by showing your audience that you're serious about your business....
Updating your Google Business profile regularly is beneficial for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for several reasons:
Do I need a website designer?...
The truth about keywords
The truth about keywords
Part of SEO, or getting your website to reach higher in Google for your chosen terms is made up of a group of tasks, one of which is keywords....
Don’t have your website designed without a logo, why?...
Attacks on websites can significantly affect SEO (Search Engine Optimization)....
Why are they called cookies?
Why are they called cookies?
So why don’t we call them biscuits in the UK?
Origin of the hashtag
Origin of the hashtag
The hashtag, now a fundamental element of social media communication, has an interesting origin and history that traces back to well before the age of social media.
AI tools like ChatGPT have emerged as powerful allies for website owners....
Metrics in Google Analytics provide quantifiable measurements for website activity, like pageviews, bounce rate, and session duration....
Time's ticking for Drupal 7 websites!...
Neneh Cherry And Your Website
Neneh Cherry And Your Website
What on earth has an 80’s and 90’s popstar got to do with my website?
What's the difference between machine learning (ML) and AI?
We offer personalised one-to-one support for our website hosting and maintenance service....
Headings, and why they're important for your readers and Google Breaking up large paragraphs makes large bodies of text makes it easier to read.
Before you get your website designed, here are some questions you should ask
Why you need to feed your website like a pet and take it for walks
Backlinks Explained
Backlinks Explained
A jargon free explanation of Backlinks in simple terms
Is your website regularly backed up?...
thebestof Sudbury has announced the winner of the Sudbury Business of the Year 2020 Awards.
This month celebrates the fifth year since the start of thebestof Sudbury, so commorate the occasion, me and my I LOVE TO BUY LOCAL stickers have been out and about.....
It’s not just a basic website and ‘off you go’ either, we need to support you!...
Buying a domain name, what to look out for how to be safe
Helpful points to think about for UK Businesses who are considering having an ecommerce website
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