Aubrey Kirkham Funeral Directors

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I want to say thank you very much for your hard work that went into arranging our mother's funeral. It cannot be easy to speak other people's words on behalf of someone you did not know. We all felt you conveyed our thoughts with dignity, warmth and sincerity. On behalf of all our family we sincerely say thank you.
Thank you for the superb way you organised the funeral of my very dear friend MB. From the time you first met the family to the day of the funeral, your kindness, advice and attention to detail was second to none. The arrival at the Crematorium was carried out with dignity, respect and great style. I particularly liked the way that the exceptionally large number of mourners were ushered into the Chapel ready for the start of the ceremony as I know time is always an issue. The whole service went exceptionally well and you also ensured the family and mourners attending the post funeral gathering at STFC were looked after. Thank you again Aubrey for the excellent way you organised the whole procedure from start to finish.
Thank you and your staff for conducting ***** funeral with such great dignity. All the guests were most impressed. I will also thank Derrick for his contribution. May I say that we will highly recommend your company for the way in which you organise and undertake what can be a difficult time for a lot of people. Again very many thanks.
Just a brief note to say how superbly organised the funeral affairs were handled at our dear friend. Both my wife and I feel moved to say "thank you" for your professionalism and expertise, but above all else your warmth and friendly manner.

When you met us and ******* you had just the right amount of compassion, understanding, firmness, advice and humour. Qualities that in the right measure are invaluable on such an occasion. "On the day" of course "everything went like clockwork"...with great dignity and gravitas, but nothing less than I would expect from you as in our hearts you are renowned for your sincerity, reliability and courtesy.
Sheena and I would like to offer our congratulations to Aubrey and his team for achieving the Silver Award at the Mayor of Shrewsbury's Award for Business. This is a great honour and accomplishment, which we are sure is well deserved, due to your inherent standard of care, thoughtfulness and kindness.
Thank you and all the staff at Aubrey Kirkham for the very thoughtful and caring ways that they found to support my family following the death of my mother. Iin my own professional experience as a police officer, one of the pitfalls that individuals often face is in not recognising that what is "just another job" for you, is actually likely to be a very traumatic experience for the client. Attitude and approach is all.

The attitude and approach as a company and as individuals, in our experience was not lacking in any way and made our path through events
so much easier to navigate.
May I thank publicly the funeral directors Aubrey Kirkham who recently oversaw the proceedings for my father-in-law's funeral. The company acted with the utmost professionalism and dignity throughout the day of the funeral and ensured that family and friends were guided through a difficult day.

A special thank you to Aubrey who acted with kindness and who gave expert advice and supported us through the whole sad process.
I would just like to repeat my appreciation as to the very sensitive, efficient and professional manner in which you managed the funeral arrangements for my late wife. My stepsons and her brother also wish to be associated with that sentiment and I have received numerous favourable comments from the many mourners present, as to the style and panache you and your staff exhibited on that sad occasion.
Thank you for the sensitive, professional and dignified way in which you directed my father's funeral. You and your staff helped to make a stressful day very much more bearable and I know that this was greatly appreciated by my mother as
it was by myself.

The day went very smoothly both at the church and cemetery and at Sweeney Hall, so much so that my mother summed it up quite succinctly
by saying that "it was the sort of funeral that your Dad would have enjoyed". Again, very many thanks
Many, many thanks for a superb 'send off' for J. I am sure he would have approved - especially of the horse. Ann, also the lovely, lovely flowers, something which Joe and I were extremely proud of.

Once again thank you so much for a day we will remember and so many people were over whelmed by the way J will always be remembered.
A small token of my gratitude for all you did for me. The care and attention made all the difference. What a wonderful day for my *** - you and Phil made it very special. Many thanks and Best Wishes.
I would like to thank you Aubrey for the excellent service, care and attention in helping me through such a very sad time and for your sensible advice during a period in which it is difficult to be objective.

Family, friends and I especially thank you and all your staff for the kindness and courtesy extended to us at all times.

I had thought the choice of a Funeral Director initially to be of little significance and essentially nothing more than a procedure. It occurred to me only later how fortunate I was to have chosen Aubrey Kirkham Funeral Directors.
On behalf of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service may I take this opportunity to formally thank you Aubrey for your assistance and dignified professionalism in recently supporting our service but moreover the family of Firefighter ******, who sadly passed away whilst attending the Isle of Man.

It is on occasions like this that it is comforting for all involved in this tragic occurrence to know that we can turn to friends in our local community to support the Service and its families in their hour of need.

Your early intervention and contact with ****** family and my colleagues, and assistance with the repatriation arrangements and funeral, are greatly appreciated. Please convey my gratitude to all involved at your business.
Thank you Aubrey for your support and strength in our hour of need. You were quite magnificent on the day of A's Funeral (everyone said so!). Such a comfort to know someone was in control. Also it was lovely to have your daughter Leanne in attendance - please thank her.
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