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Can you help make Richmond christmas lights bigger and better than ever... not much time left!
What's Going On In The Fanzone?
What's Going On In The Fanzone?
Meet rugby legends, learn songs from around the world or just fill up with great food and drink whilst watching the action - there's something for everyone.
Children in Richmond upon Thames will have to be quick on the draw as the borough’s Mayor is searching for budding artists to design his annual Christmas cards.
The official Richmond Fanzone opens this Friday 7pm 18th September for the Opening Ceremony for the Rugby World Cup.
Older people in Richmond will take centre stage next month when the Full of Life Week launches a raft of fun activities.
A consultation on proposals for a new Town Square in Twickenham will be held during November with an exhibition in a pop-up shop in Church Street.
For the first time ever, our High Street will be lighting up during the festive period, all thanks to the local businesses of Richmond.
A new survey has found that fewer young people in Richmond are going to nightclubs, which could have a big impact on local life.
The availability of toilet facilities is a big issue for many shoppers, particularly those that are older. Is your business eligible for up to £1200 to open your doors?
Over 50,000 people have downloaded their Richmond Card, and that figure is set to rise with an influx of rugby fans and tourists. Does your business have an offer it can give?
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