Planning Ahead Means Getting Ahead
24th May 2010
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Here is some more detail on Key number 1 to
Recession Proof your business.

Planning Ahead Means Getting Ahead -

Long and short term plans (monthly and 90 day plans) will keep
you on track and ahead of your competition.If you do not think
you have time to set realistic and SMART goals and plans then please
think what you could eliminate or delegate so you can work ON
your business rather than lining IN it all the time.
Employ KPIs and targets for testing and measuring performance.Once
you have determined the key goals and plans the only time efficient
way to monitor and review performance over the weeks and months that
follow are the right KPI's for your business.
Evaluating performance will help: identify trends and allow rapid
adjustment and provide you with a tactical advantage.

Look out for Key 2 in the next week or so.
Please let me know how you use this in your business and the
benefits you get from it or contact me if you would like to
understand it some more.

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