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Only the wealthiest of the next generation of property purchasers will be able to buy a home if current trends continue, the National Housing Federation (NHF) has warned in a new report.
No one expects the early death of their spouse, whether through illness or accident, and they are not necessarily prepared for or able to cover the cost of a funeral
e-c.h.o Awards
e-c.h.o Awards
Promoting a positive understanding and awareness to the community about disability. The Enrico Charles Humanitarian Organisation (E-C.H.O) Literary and Music Awards have been brought about as a result of my personal experiences as a mother of an extraordinary child born with the neuro-muscular condition SMA [Spinal Muscular Atrophy]
Beanstalk (formerly Volunteer Reading Help) is a national charity that helps children who struggle with their literacy to develop a love of reading and learning. Our Shropshire branch was established in 1999
For all those who are wanting to move to Shropshire and considering Ludlow here are a few snippets of information that might help your decision. Described as "The most perfect town in England" by John Betjeman and listed in the book '1000 places to see before you die' compiled by award winning travel writer Patricia Schultz this is by no means an ordinary town.
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