Charity Bike Ride
14th February 2013
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My name is Dean Baker and I look after all the computer systems and project work for Saxon Hill Community School in Lichfield.  Saxon Hill is a special school for children and young people with physical disabilities and complex medical needs aged between 2 and 19 years. We are in the process of building a brand new Community Cafe which will allow our pupils to gain valuable work based experience, skills and training in a friendly working environment once they leave school.  In these times of austerity getting suitable employment is difficult enough, now add the fact our school leavers have a disability, you get the picture.  In raising money and building work placement premises not only gives our young people a chance of work but it also raises awareness in our local community.

To support our café project I am going to do a charity bike ride to raise as much money as possible.  I’ll be riding from London to Cambridge through the night on Friday 10th May. Total to cover is 60 miles.  Please have a look at my just giving web page by visiting and help me raise as much as possible for our project by making a donation.  Our main school website is if you would like to know more about our school.

 Thank you, Dean

About the Author

Dean B

Member since: 13th February 2013

First started working in computers way back in 1984 when a hard disk drive was the size of a dustbin lid..! Spent most of my time in IT Management working for fairly decent sized companies Birmingham...

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