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Record year for Lichfield and Tamworth auctioneers as hammer comes down on 2023
Record year for Lichfield and Tamworth auctioneers as hammer comes down on 2023
  • Posted by thebestof Lichfield | 21st December 2023 | ... Comments
As 2023 motors to a close, a Staffordshire family firm of auctioneers is celebrating a record year. View post
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Wrap up warm take a flask of soup or something stronger and get down to Beacon Park next Saturday evening the 11th December and join us for our carols in the park concert.
Due to extreme weather conditions Lichfield council refuge department are experiencing problems accessing all streets with the waste and recycling trucks.
Lichfield council are issuing a warning to stay of the frozen waters of the local pools such as Stowe, Minster, and Beacon, and are suggesting the following saftey advice is followed to help protect you, your children and your animals during this cold snap
Did you enjoy or miss the recent Lichfield lantern parade then why not go and join Burntwood Rotary Club's Santa who will be leading the Burntwood lantern parade and winter market on Saturday the 11th December.
Computers for Christmas
Computers for Christmas
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Do you need more shopping ideas for Christmas then why not visit G-Scapes Nursery to get your Christmas Tree and lots more great gifts ideas from this local Nursery and gift shop. Read on to find out how to get a free glass of Mulled wine and a mince pie.
Are you looking for a different place to go and enjoy a Christmas lunch, then why not try the Packington Moor farm shop cafe, they are offering a great Christmas menu this festive season, check out the menu here. You may also find those last minute gifts.
Lichfield City Council tourism team are putting on some great events over the festive season many of them will happen over the the Christmas Festival weekend of the 11th and 12th December. Check out the details here.
The new outdoor gym and play area in Sainte Foy Avenue is now ready and will be opened officially by Lichfield City council in the New year, just in time to help you get fit after the festive season.
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