Home-Start Kettering has joined The Big Give Christmas Challenge with a target of £12,000
18th July 2022
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Home-Start Kettering has joined The Big Give Christmas Challenge with a target of £12,000 and the first step is to raise £3,000 in pledges between July 1st and September 2nd - but the donation doesn’t have to be paid until December.



Home-Start Kettering is a small charity, and we get no money from public funds. We recruit, train and support around 30 volunteers to visit struggling families in their own homes for 2/3 hours each week, usually for 6 months. An example of the impact our visits can have is enclosed, and I can assure you that we have lots more similar statements. One of our strengths is that we start with the things the family sees as the help they need to be stronger and more resilient.

We hope that you will be able to support our work by pledging at least £100 to give us a good start towards the Christmas Challenge. The pledge is made through the Big Give website at: https://www.thebiggive.org.uk/s/pledge?campaignId=a056900002NDSacAAH
Or by googling ‘Big Give Christmas Challenge’ and searching for Home-Start Kettering and where you can also see Terms and Conditions.

Once we have pledges of £3,000, then, during the week of November 29th-Dec 6th we will be running events to raise at least £6,000 to double the pledges. The point of joining the Christmas Challenge is that the Big Give is 75% likely to match pledges of £3,000 to achieve our goal of £12,000.

Your pledge would be ‘due’ in early December and paid directly to us, with Gift Aid if appropriate. You will also know that many businesses are able to claim tax relief on donations to Charity.

If you would like to know more, or discuss your donation, please call us on 01536 484318 or email admin@homestartkettering.org.uk

Thank you in anticipation of your support,

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